Jakub Stankiewicz
Jakub Stankiewicz has been with Yareal Poland since 2014. Since the beginning of this period, he has been working in the Investment Development Department, first as an Investment Development Manager, and then, since September 2016, as a Director. Since January 2021, he has been managing this department as the Head of Development. Since Fabruary 2023, as a Member of the Management Board.
He has been involved in the development industry since 2007. Prior to joining Yareal, he worked at the Spanish real estate development company Gala Polska in positions related to the company's development, and then in complex investment management as the Head of Investment.
He graduated from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences with a degree in Spatial Management, earned an MBA, and also completed a number of courses and postgraduate studies in real estate.
Participates in the sessions:
The power of Polish cities. The real estate market in regional cities – part 2
The investment potential for the property market in major Polish cities. What types of real estate are needed in the centres? What investment areas are up for grabs and what can be built there? Co-operation between investors and cities: How to develop common visions?