Wojciech Czyżewski
Chairman of the Board
Fabryka Pełna Życia Sp. z o.o.
Managing director and CEO of The Living Factory Company - established to create the new centre of Dąbrowa Górnicza - one of the most significant developmental ventures in Poland. Between 2016-2019 - chairman of the team dedicated to The Living Factory, the new city centre located on the site of the former ‘Defum’ machine tool production facility, Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Dąbrowa Górnicza for Revitalisation.
Chairman of the Team for the Full Life Factory, or "city in the city", which is being built on the premises of the former "Defum" machine tool production plants
Previously co-owner of an advertising agency, specialist in creating and promoting brands, visual identification systems, the author of significant projects related to the marketing of sites, including the strategy for the promotion of the city of Katowice - ‘Katowcie. For a Change’ promotional strategy ‘Jaworzno. A source of energy’, a promotional programme ‘Będzin up’. Responsible for servicing participational budgets for the following cities, apart from the Dąbrowski Participational Budget incl. Bielsko-Biała, Tychy, Mikołów, Sosnowiec and Katowice.
Observer of modern cities, environmental challenges, changes and expectations of inhabitants, with the ensuing transformations in the urban membrane and revitalisation processes.
Participates in the sessions:
Mixed-use. Multiple functions, one address. Mixed-use gathers mo-mentum
The success of a building is measured not only by the rental income, but also by the life inside the building. Mixed-use projects provide cities with consciously designed quarters and social infrastructure, as well as ensure investors’ commercial success. The key players on the market agree: mixed-use is the absolute future. The places where there is a need for mixed-use investments – the potential of Polish cities. What new projects are developers preparing?