Magdalena Reńska
Member of the Board, Managing Director
Euro Styl SA
Since 2018 Magdalena Reńska is a Member of the Board and the Managing Director of EURO STYL (Dom Development Capital Group - the biggest Polish developer). Euro Styl is a leading local residential developer on the Tri-City market.
Having more than 20 years of professional experience, she began her career in the real estate industry working for Tri-City local developers. In 2008 she undertook to create a Tri-City branch of an international consulting company – JLL – being responsible for the area of Northern Poland, which she successfully managed for 9 years. The next step in her career was working for Skanska Property Poland, where she acted as a Regional Director for leasing office spaces in the area of Northern Poland (Gdańsk, Poznań, Łódź). Since 2016 she is also a lecturer-practitioner at the University of Gdańsk at the Faculty of Management – Postgraduate studies: Property Management and Development Projects. Additionally between 2019-2024 Magda held a position of the Board Member of Polish Association of Developers in the Tri-City Branch.
She graduated with a diploma of an engineer from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the University of Agriculture and Technology in Olsztyn in the major of Spatial Management and Real Estate Valuation. She also graduated from Gdańsk University of Technology where she obtained a master's degree diploma at the Faculty of Management and Economics.