Jacek Tokarski
Jacek Tokarski has been connected with the hotel and hospitality sector since 2004. Since 2005, together with Alex Kloszewski and the Hospitality Department team of Colliers International Poland, Jacek was engaged in numerous hotel projects across Poland and Central & Eastern Europe.
As Hotel Professionals’ COO, Jacek is responsible for overseeing current hotel advisory projects carried out by HP, including hotel investments feasibility studies, the acquisition of franchise, lease and management contracts for investors. Jacek is also the lead in overseeing the sales process and conducting the due diligence side of hotel brokerage services.
Participates in the sessions:
Waiting for guests
1.45 p.m. – 1.55 p.m.
Introduction to the session – a discussion from the Real Estate Reviews cycle:#futureofhotels. Czego po bezprecedensowym 1,5 roku mogą spodziewać się hotelarze w Polsce przez resztę 2021 roku i później?
1.55 p.m. – 2.45p.m.
Waiting for guestsA significant percentage of investment programmes was put on hold. Some hotels did not open after lockdown, while others – if unable to find an investor – might soon go into liquidation. A group of investors interested in acquiring hotels with the purpose of renting them for a long term has entered the transaction market. When will the market recover from the pandemic and return to the pre-pandemic growth trend?