Béranger Dumont
Béranger Dumont, is a goal-oriented experienced manager involved in preparation and implementation of strategies and their preparation. He has excellent knowledge of the European and Polish real estate market.
He has worked for BPI Real Estate for more than 11 years. He started his career as Finance Manager in Belgium where he was responsible for many years for managing finances, including the investments forming the company’s Polish portfolio. Subsequently, in his capacity as a Real Estate Project Development Manager, he successfully ran BPI’s numerous urban projects in Brussels, such as a mixed-use project with the surface area of 60 thousand square meters executed in Brussels. He has been in his current position of Chief Executive Officer of BPI Real Estate Poland since 2020. He also sits on the Executive Board of the Urban Land Institute, a non-profit organization with its headquarters in Washington D.C.
Prior to joining BPI Real Estate, he gained professional experience as an auditor at Ernst&Young. He is a graduate of the Solvay Brussels School and the Louvain School of Management where he received his MBA in finance and real estate.
Participates in the sessions:
#PRS. Investors and funds’ growing appetite for acquisitions
Flats for rent amount to 15% of the market of residential properties in Poland but the number is growing fast. The housing gap and the low flat availability index are a treat for investors declaring their willingness to create portfolios of hundreds and even thousands of flats for rent.