Marcin Wawiernia
Architect, Design & Concept Manager
He is responsible for the development, management and control of design processes in shopping centers and in other assets, as well as a new projects of Ceetrus Poland. He shapes the vision of development of shopping centers and related areas being part of the Ceetrus Poland portfolio.
Marcin Wawiernia has been associated with the Ceetrus Poland since 2017. His professional experience is based on work as the Architect in the design company “Dedeco”, and also in the Blue Ocean Investment Group – where he was engaged in the implementation projects for shopping centers - Dekada Realty, Capital Park, KG Group, 6B47, Gemini Park.
He graduated of University of Technology in Białystok (Architecture and Urban Planning) and University of Technology in Poznań Spatial Planning, as well as Total Design Management of Business School of University of Technology in Warszawa.