Wojciech Sztuba
Wojciech has extensive experience in the field of tax and business advisory services dedicated especially to companies in the construction industry and real estate as well as energy sector. His specialties comprise among others in dedicated tax structures for foreign investment funds, real estate acquisition and real estate taxation.
Wojciech is a lecturer in a number of specialized training programs, including those organized by the Instytut Doskonalenia Wiedzy o Rynku Energii (Institute for Improvement of Energy Market Knowledge), PWEA PTPiREE, IHK, Euroforum IRIP, ELSA and Energia i Środowisko (Energy and Environment). He is also a lecturer at the University of Economics in Poznań on Postgraduate Taxation and Treasury Faculty. Co-author of commentaries on energy law in the years 2001 and 2003, and also one of the highly valued domestic wind energy market analysis published in the form of annual reports -"Wind energy in Poland."
Wojciech graduated Business Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in 1997. In 1994-1995 he had studied Business Administration at Otto-Friedrich-Universität in Bamberg, Germany. Certified tax advisor since 1999. Since December 2015 doctor of juridical science (specialty: tax law). Ph.D. thesis on effective corporate taxation in Poland defended in Department of Substantive Tax Law at University of Lodz under supervision of Prof. W. Nykiel.
Participates in the sessions:
The whole of Poland a Special Economic Zone – a new impulse for investments
How will the new legislation affect investors’ activities and developers’ plans? What new locations will it create? Production, transport and logistics, warehouses, service centres for business, ... Potential for new projects