New consumers, new needs. How have shopping malls been changing to attract the “home bird” generation?
MORE SPEAKERSShopping malls no longer want to be shopping centres. Apart from shopping full of experience and modern technologies, they offer: cinemas, bowling, gyms, extensive food courts. Investors invest in such spectacular ideas as: a Ferris wheel, rain forest, sea lions in a lake, ski slopes, wedding chapels, ... What will the new dimension in shopping malls be?
The apartment house and condo hotel sector in Poland has been booming. This is thanks to increasing tourism, improved transport infrastructure and the growing affluence of society. New facilities have been growing like mushrooms after the rain. The appetite for land has also been growing. What is the investment potential in such properties from the perspective of private and institutional investors, in Poland and abroad?
Poland is an important location for global players on the modern business services market. Corporations find high quality office space with great locations but the labour market has become a challenge. Competition for staff has become common and the strategies of global organisations do not always pass the test in local reality. How to effectively attract talent to companies and cities? What can be done by local government and what can be done by HR specialists?
Prezentacje najnowszych konceptów przestrzeni biurowych
Smaller warehouses, close to city centres – the sector is responsible for developing e-commerce which has set a target of one-day delivery. What does that mean for the warehouse market? What are the prospects? What are tenants’ expectations?
Apartments. Institutional rental has been gaining momentum – a new housing market sector in Poland
MORE SPEAKERSThe scale and potential of the market of apartments for rent in Poland for institutional investors. What supports the development of the sector?
Once upon a time within old walls or, the difficult art of revitalisation in Poland
MORE SPEAKERSThe frenzy of revitalisation continuous. The scale of the Warsaw market and its prestige have meant that is where the largest number of investments has been made as a result of revitalisation of historic buildings, dilapidated buildings or degraded sites. However, the potential is much larger. What about older buildings that are not able to withstand market competition? Is reconstruction of unattractive, older facilities to convert them into apartments, hotels or modern offices a difficult art? What is the secret? In a unique spirit of the place, a special concept or perhaps cooperation with the best architects?
The whole of Poland a Special Economic Zone – a new impulse for investments
MORE SPEAKERSHow will the new legislation affect investors’ activities and developers’ plans? What new locations will it create? Production, transport and logistics, warehouses, service centres for business, ... Potential for new projects
Today's offices are surprising not only for their appearance. They are comfortable, functional, with flexible space and working spaces
What does luxury mean today and what does that mean to the new generation of hotel guests? What elements of design and fit-out underlie luxury at hotels? The perspective of investors, architects and guests
Low rents or a good location are no longer enough. What do old office buildings need?
MORE SPEAKERSEvery year there are more new and interesting office investments. That is why managers of older facilities face the challenge of how to attract new or retain existing tenants. Support comes from modernisation and a radical change of functions
What requirements of financial institutions and banks are faced by investors in office buildings, hotels, warehouses and shopping malls? Private equity, corporate bond issues, bank loans or perhaps leaseback – what should be used, what makes business sense?
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